As a premier city in the third largest state in the nation, Pensacola offers employers a large and available pool of workers at a more affordable rate than other comparative high-tech states thanks to a competitive tax structure and low cost of living.
Additionally, Florida’s workforce is more culturally and linguistically diverse, providing additional competitive advantages to employers seeking to serve a global marketplace.
Greater Pensacola boasts the youngest labor force in the state of Florida as millennials comprise 24.6 percent of 176,389 total workers in the area’s 30-minute labor shed. Innovative and flexible, these workers enjoy living and working in an area that allows them to connect and collaborate with others.
Greater Pensacola is also home to more than 35,000 military retirees—the second largest concentration in the nation—many of whom are looking to apply their skills in civilian jobs. These professionals are educated, disciplined, technically proficient self-starters; the type of employees that all leaders want in their companies.
A Steady Talent Pipeline
The Greater Pensacola area has served as a flagship community in developing career and technical education in the K-12 school system through industry-driven career academies. With more than 60 career academies in Greater Pensacola at the middle- and high-school level, students have the opportunity to graduate with an industry certification as well as a diploma. Target industries, such as aviation manufacturing; maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO); and cybersecurity, are represented in a variety of academies. Articulation agreements with post-secondary training institutions in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties allow students seeking certifications to pursue career tracks to become a vibrant part of the local workforce.

Our post-secondary and technical training institutes, such as Pensacola State College, the University of West Florida, George Stone Technical and Locklin Technical, collaborate on a continual basis and are driven by business and industry need. Between all four institutions, enrollment is more than 47,000 students – a major contributing factor to our workforce pipeline.
Job Training, Resources & Innovation
Florida’s workforce training programs can reimburse company training expenses up to 50% through curriculum development, trainer time and resources. Greater Pensacola’s partnerships with Workforce Escarosa and Pensacola State College allow companies to take advantage of continuing education and implement training on new equipment or processes.
These innovative, customized workforce development programs can provide turnkey solutions for new operations or existing ones looking for assistance with retraining incumbent workers for more highly skilled positions.
Workforce Training Resources
- Workforce Investment Act (WIA) training opportunities
- Workforce Escarosa Partnership offers skilled worker opportunities at no cost
- FloridaFlex Talent Support Resources
- Work Opportunity Tax Credit
- On-The-Job Training Opportunities
Hiring & Recruitment
To begin your search for qualified candidates, visit the EmployFlorida portal. Greater Pensacola also has numerous industry-specific staffing agencies to meet your needs.
For further information about these resources, please contact Jeff Dyer at [email protected]